2023-24 BuffCo Distance Carnival - October 3,000m
We're back! 3,000m under the floodlights to kick off another season of time trials. 6pm - 18min+ 6:30pm - 16-18min 7pm - 14-16min 7:25pm - 12-14min 7:50pm - 11-12min 8:10pm - 10-11min 8:30pm - sub-10min
20 Oct 2023, 6:00 pm
108 Wong Chuk Hang Rd, Hong Kong
Entry Deadline & Schedule
Entries will be taken until noon on Thursday, 19th October. Final heats and schedule will be posted shortly after.
The schedule listed currently is a rough outline, final schedule will be determined by number of entries per heat, and some heats may be combined or split depending on demand. We will try our best to keep your race close to the time of day listed in the original schedule.
Entry Fee
The entry fee is under a "name your price" format. Feel free to put $0. But if you enjoy our events and want to support us and our mission for accessible and simple racing for all in Hong Kong, we really appreciate donated entry fees of any amount!Â
50% of proceeds will go directly back into club funds, while the other 50% is given to our fantastic volunteer photographer Stu. If you put $0 and decide to donate on the day, we take cash/PayMe/FPS as well.
Entry Time & Heat Allocation
Your entry time determines which heat you will be allocated to. This can be your PB or a rough estimate of how fast you think you'll go on the day. It is important to be honest here! Entering in a heat too fast for you will make it difficult for you to keep up with the pace. Likewise, entering a heat too slow for you will mean you won't have much competition to push you to go faster.
Although we let you pick your heat, we may shuffle you into other heats if you are on the fringe between two heats. Be sure to check the final schedule and let us know if you need to make changes.
Venue Changes
At the time of writing, Aberdeen is currently availbale. Even so, last-minute bookings have happened before, so keep an eye out for our email updates if there needs to be another late venue change.
We really encourage you to enter under a club, school, company, country, or whatever you most identify with! We have a team category which takes the cumulative time of three runners, so if you have a couple mates you can all enter under the same name and run as a team. If in doubt, your home country or city always works well. If you prefer to run unattached, then leave that section blank.
Race Check In
Look for either Coach Harry or Coach Nicole with a clipboard and list of entries. Once we have checked your name, you are good to go! We will see you at the start. Just be sure to be near the start line 5-10mins before your race start for final instructions. You can also check in right before the start, but if you are late for your start there is a good chance we will start without you! So try to arrive with ample time for your warm up.
If you can't make it after entering, just let us know beforehand and we will scratch your name off the list. As simple as that! However, if you leave us hagning on the day, we'll mark you down as a DNS on the results - Did Not Start. So be sure to let us know! Additionally, donated entry fees won't be refunded if you can't attend.
Basic results will be posted first on our social media (@buffco.hk) and then uploaded in full detail to our website later the following week.
If you are available, we highly enourage you to stay behind/come early to support the other runners. The best thing about our races is the atmosphere, so come be a part of it! Should be a great day. See you there!
3,000m Entry
Pay what you want+Service feeSale ended